During the workshop, the Cadres were given the task of identifying activities for implementation at their respective institutions. Eleven institutions responded while nine did not.
Institutions that responded are:
- Busitema University
- Islamic University in Uganda
- Kampala International University
- Kyambogo University
- LGIHE Library
- Mbarara University of Science and Technology
- Muni University
- Ndejje University
- Nkumba University
- Uganda Management Institution
- YMCA Comprehensive Institute Library
Institutions that did not respond are:
- Aga Khan University
- Bishop Stuart University
- Cavendish University in Uganda
- Gulu University
- Insurance Training Institute
- Muteesa 1 Royal University
- UCU Main Campus
- Uganda Martyrs University
- Valley University
The activities are summarized in a table and accessible at Workshop Action Points – Summary. Cadres are advised to take the following actions:
a)Those who submitted their action points and summarized can visit the summary list, copy them and post them on the Forum. This will serve two purposes:
i) Cadres to own and take responsibility for their activities.
ii) Cadres showing mastery of using the forum system functionalities.
b) Those who never submitted their action points can submit the same to the workshop facilitator and copy Ms Doreen Patience Namatovu, who will update the summary table. The e-mails of these people are shared on the Workshop WhatsApp group.
Moving forward, a matrix showing the relationship between the activities/action points and the workshop outcomes is under development and will be shared with the Cadres when it is ready. It would be good if all the Cadres could send in their action points so that they are all represented in the matrix.
For your recap, below are the workshop outcomes:
- Communicate to their institutional administrators why libraries and their institutions cannot afford to ignore implementing institutional repositories to make their research outputs open.
- Explain how to go about using open infrastructure and services like Dspace and DataCite tools to make their research outputs open and discoverable.
- Understand how to teach and train librarians, ICT professionals, and research administrators to implement DataCite research discovery and exploration tools and services like DOIs, metadata, APIs in their institutional repositories.
- Become confident and have the knowledge to deal with difficult questions about making research outputs open and discoverable.
- Be able to plan institutional repository and DataCite training activities and be aware of the best practices in training design for online, face-to-face, and hybrid events.
- Understand how to work with diverse audiences, especially institutional administrators, to attract funding towards DataCite activities.
- Know how to evaluate the impact of the training and implementing institutional repositories and DataCite open infrastructure and services.
Following the Datacite Workshop that took place at Busitema University in May 2024, this is to confirm that MUST will advance the open access/ open Science agenda by:-
- Creating awareness and enforcing the need for authors to sign Institutional Repository Submission forms when submitting in their research works
- Access EIFL, download the DMP training template and train MUST users on how to design DMPs
- Regularly capturing and analyzing library statistics
- Embed capturing of library statistics in the MUST Collection Development Policy which is currently being designed;
- Displaying less patronized books in the library;
- Recommend SCITE to the appointments board to be used when selecting reviewers;
- Celebrate MUST staff that publish in OA journals and those who have the highest number of items in the MUST IR;
- Explore the approach to self-archiving
- Train staff on how to set up Google Scholar accounts;
1. Create awareness of the Muni University Institutional Repository policy among the University Community;
2. Celebrate the 2024 OA Day
3. Introduce library metrics – measurement and evaluation of library activities – outputs – the collection of library statistics
4. Prepare and produce periodic library reports – including a library report
5. Upgrade the Dspace software to the latest but stable version
6. Update the list of OA Resources and post it on the library website, OPAC and disseminate it on email
This is noted.